Saturday, November 11, 2017

Things above

Man, I must admit that I am really struggling today. It is not even 7:30AM and I am trying to hold back the tears. The problem? Not quite sure? Just everyday frustrations. Yesterday was a fun and marvelous day. Not for any certain 1 thing but a bunch of little things.  I  spent the afternoon with the 1st graders of FIA (I just love them) at BS, we meditated and talked about Colossians 3. Talked a lot about setting our minds on things above. Today, time to put it into practice and  I am already fixated on the things at street level, so much that I am feeling like I should not go out today. Ever have those times? Like an impending sandstorm (which I found fascinating)?

My kids have teased me for years about my fascination about taking pictures of the sky. I just LOVE clouds. Fluffy white, wispy, stormy. I may have to pick a few photos and share them? Oh my get ready, I sifted through my favorites and there are 70! Skies above most of  the places I've been...N. America, New Zealand, Africa, Europe and of course the Philippines (some of the most fantastic clouds EVER)! I got to thinking about it and I think I love the sky for it's freshness, ever changing state, just so whimsical and fun. Even stormy skies appeal to me and throw in some lightening and well, WOW! So moving forward, it is not yesterday anymore, it is over. It is TODAY. Today I will set my mind on things above. I will focus on the things  that are true, lovely and righteous.

I love  the scriptures like Psalm 104:3 "He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the clouds His chariot; He walks upon the wings of the wind" and about the  return of Jesus in Rev 1:7 "Look, he is coming with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen

Maybe the love of clouds and the sky is a great reminder for me to set my mind on things above and live with a grateful heart. Life is so rich with all of it's skies. 

Today it is rainy, which I usually love. But for some reason it is making me a bit sad. Gloomy day, reflecting my mood. A chance to set my mind on things above...mind over matter, right?  Knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that the sun is still back there even if the clouds are hiding it. Today I am thankful for so many things like clouds, moms, bible studies, the Philippines, Niger, PA and yes, even tears/ raindrops that come early in the morning. All of these things are something quite wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful reflections. And a reminder that our emotional states are so critical to our overall health and well being. Embrace the rainy days that accompany sadness and eagerly await the sunshine that's sure to come again!! I'm feeling heavy today...deeply tapped into the sadness of others. But I'll RESET my mind! LOVE to you
