Saturday, February 10, 2018

Sealed with a Kiss

 I wrote up a whole post talking about the Night To Shine a couple years ago. This year did not disappoint, but I am not going to do that again,  here it is if you would like a refresher. This year was equally amazing & I took tons of pictures as usual but what made it different this year were friends that I was looking forward to attending. This year we had about 40 of our CUREkids on the guest list. 

These were kids that we had seen at the hospital. Surgeries, procedures, physical therapy. Blood, sweat & tears! These were kids that we have a relationship with. Oh, so sweet!! I got a couple of nice pics  & really enjoyed taking it all in. Here are a few favorites.

I did  much better this year not crying so much. It is super touching & you can see it on the guest's faces; the joy of being treated like royalty, feeling & experiencing something new....make up brushes to the face, being crowned, dressed up, being cheered for & dancing in a crowd with tons of bubbles showering you. From start to finish it is excellent. 

 My most treasured remembrance? Things were wrapping up, decorations were being torn down & this sweet woman approached me. She asked if her daughter could have a picture with me. "Why certainly!".  

Then we met. "Unsa'y imong ngalan?" (visayan for what is your name?) She replied, "Barbie". There she stood not even 5 feet tall in a sweet dark red dress with a huge smile. Leron jumped in the picture too and then, I turned to her and planted the biggest kiss on her cheek. Her response is what made me CRY.....she held her face & looked at me with such delight. I can not even begin to express the rush of emotion. You would have thought I was the Queen of England, it was more than I could take. Her whole celebration culminated with a sweet genuine kiss. I am not  sure she felt exactly what I did in that moment, but I think she did? It was like finding a precious treasure & discovering its worth. Wanting to gaze at it, polish it, never wanting to forget or let it go. It was a magical moment where time slows & WOW. I really do not think that I am adequately describing it. But is was something wonderful!

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