Saturday, May 26, 2018

People & Purple Flowers

Three days more to live in the Philippines. Seems like we have been talking about this for so long. Now the end of our time is here. People keep asking how I am feeling? Hmmmm, it changes daily even hourly. How do you leave "home"again? "Home" even takes on a new meaning. Someone once said "home" is what you make it and who you are with. Well, now we have not been a family of 5 for three years and it changes with each child leaving. 

Now my third is on her way to University in the Fall and well, more transition. Seems like I would have picked up some tricks? I guess I have? When we went attended training before leaving the US, one thing that we learned that stuck with is was saying goodbye well. I have noticed that over the years this has really made me more intentional in what I do. Not just ending well when it is time to move but as transitions happened throughout life, being intentional about doing it well. Have I succeeded? 

Not sure, but I do know that goodbyes are still hard and are not without tears. Tears are good though, that is a sign for me that I gave it my all. That I loved well. For me it is being able to appreciate people, to tell them, to be a bit mushy not just in the last moments but when the mood hits. It keeps me tender and thoughtful.

Another way I "end well" is continuing to explore the beauty around me. I have been noticing these beautiful purple blooms on the path that I walk Freckie on. Today, I decided to take my camera along on my walk and use my zoom lens to take a closer look. Look a lot like cherry blossoms. They are called Banaba.

Such beauty and to think I have not really taken the time to notice them before. What a treat. Oh and I saw a sweet little birdie. Think it is a sunbird?  I have not gotten great at bird identification here. 

I heard the collared kingfisher but did not see one. They are probably my favorite birds to see here. I just love the blue plumage. What a treat just to hear them.

Another 1st, while I am experiencing "lasts", new tastes. Anyone who knows me knows that I am crazy about fruit. I try it all. Even durian (which I can tolerate but do not crave). My friend Rose brought me some little citrus fruits the other day. Sort of like tangerines, but with green skin. I think they are called satsumas.

 A celebration tonight...old friends at a new restaurant. So thankful for all the wonderful people who have made life such a wonderful journey. Such a mix! 

So in all the goodbyes and reminiscing, I love the new things. Still new people to meet and new things to taste and experience. I pray that this skill of being observant and enjoying this little things continues. So satisfying. Maybe I should compose a "Favorite Things "song out of all these things. People, nature, food...all of it! I need to remember that the memories and the new discoveries are something wonderful!

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