Thursday, November 3, 2011

African Grand-mere

This is Madame DoDo. She refers to herself as African Grand-mere (grandma in French)……she is our landlord. She is a widow. She is a mother. She is of advanced age. She is a Muslim. She is quiet and kind.

African Grandma 001

Today, she came by because the rent  is due. We pay three months at a time. All in cash! She does not have a bank account. We call her when it is due and arrange a good time to meet. She is quite punctual and likes to sit for a short visit.  She always counts the money out. It takes a bit, as you can imagine…three months rent in increments of 10 000CFA (roughly 20 USD). 

She is very sweet and very complementary. We converse in French and usually have cookies and a drink, but not today as she is fasting. 

She is getting ready for the Islamic holiday of Tabaski. Tabaski is when the Muslims here in Niger commemorate when God (Allah) provided a ram so that Abraham did not have to sacrifice Ishmael (a bit different than what we know). She told us that her son, Abbas, would drop by n Monday to share some mutton with us. You see, they will prepare the meat on open spits on Sunday and through the night. Right now there are piles of wood for sale everywhere and lots and lots of sheep for the celebration. Monday, everyone feasts with family and friends. They are to give 1/3 to the poor, 1/3 to friends and neighbors and then eat the last 1/3. 

It is a bit humbling as she is so gracious, keeping our rent low, never raising it, usually coming with gifts of fruit and as when leaves she always hands Leron or I an envelope with money in it for our children! 

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